Your 30 Day Drawing Planner Challenge!

We all love a good planner! But do we implement what we say we're going to do in it? When we get started with our drawing journey do we ever think about how to start with a view of success? How do we navigate the challenges of time management, feelings of inadequacy as well as the actual process of learning to draw? Join Emily for the next 30 days and navigate this thing called drawing day by day! 

How Does it work?
1st - 30th June. 12pm (UK Time)

If you don't know where to start this is the perfect place! Join Emily every day for 20 minutes. Set aside some time every day to watch the video and start to learn how to approach building your drawing practice. With accompanying resources from across the Scratch to Sketch hub that you can tap into, this flash introduction to the world of drawing is your first action step! No overwhelm. No self criticism when you produce mistakes. Staying in control of the time you know you have available to draw...And most importantly, starting a new focused and well purposed creative journey! 
  • 1/2+ hour Videos for 30 days.
  • Links to resources in the Scratch to Sketch Hub!
  • Daily Drawing exercises.
  • Accompanies the Drawing Planner Guide! 

Develop a drawing habit!

You will learn how to develop, organise and implement a drawing approach that will work for you! Whether you've got 10mins, 20 or even an hour navigate a personal plan of action for yourself. Set aside 20 minutes a day with Emily as your initial guide during the next 30 days. 

Method, Mindset, Momentum

Learn about the basic principles you need to start drawing, your mindset when it comes to drawing, and build an approach to generating momentum. Gain confidence and start to build a knowledge of what you need to learn next to improve your drawing practice. 

Challenge contents!

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