“By keeping a record of my experiences I live my life twice over. The past returns to me. The future is always with me. (Wednesday 7 April 1824)”
Eugène Delacroix, The Journal of Eugene Delacroix
Write your awesome label here.

Who is this travel sketchbook journal course for?

You're someone who loves to travel or even document the world around you! You love to be creative and capture the environment you move through too! You may lack the confidence to a) know where to start a travel sketchbook b) how to draw in the moment c) how to keep the momentum going if you run out of ideas or get discouraged and d) question whether you can do something like this! BUT above ALL of this, you'd love to produce wonderful memories recorded in the pages of a sketchbook! 

Whether you're someone who; 
  • Loves to travel and wishes you could keep a journal of what you experience! 
    May be brand NEW to the idea of drawing in a journal and NEVER had an arts background. 
  • Get's so far with your drawing and gets stuck or frustrated! You arrive at your destination and the sketchbook stays in your suitcase! 
  • Would like to build an understanding of the techniques needed to draw in a travel journal. 
  • Is learning from scratch and wants to formulate a step by step approach unique to you. 
  • Wants to learn to draw on the go and feel confident doing so, anytime and anywhere! Draws LIVE!
  • Would like to learn to develop your own creative style through drawing.
  • Wants to create beautifully crafted sketchbooks full of wonderful  memories of travel. 
Then this course is for you!

I'll be showing you what you can achieve whilst travelling with a bit of planning and awareness of basic techniques! 

Check out what's included in the course below!
Hi, I'm Emily!

I love to draw. 

I especially love to draw when I travel. 

....But here's the thing!

Knowing how to draw is different to knowing what to draw, when to draw it, or how to refine and gather the ideas you need to fill your unique sketchbook! 

We face unpredictable, as well as different distractions and environments when we travel. Drawing is the least of our challenges!

I've refined a teaching approach that supports you map out the "how" of your own personal travel journal so that from the moment you open that suitcase you've got some clear ideas of your own that you can use!

I'm looking forward to helping you unpack your ideas and support you produce your first travel sketchbook! 

Here is what you & 1 will cover in
this course

Decide on A journey to draw in your sketchbook....

You will decide and choose a journey as the theme for your subject. Either past, present or happening in the future.  You will be trialling Emily's "mock" 5 day journal template that you can swap out for your own!

Learn about drawing "LIVE"

Drawing in the great outdoors is a different type of drawing skill to master than one based in the comfort of our own home. Included inside the Travel Journal course is the Bonus Drawing "LIVE" drawing course! 

Aim to start and plan to finish YOUR travel sketchbook

Yup! You heard me right. We're going to be filling those sketchbooks and aspiring to complete them with your drawings even if it takes a year to do so....you'll know how!

Gather Sketchbook content ideas...

As part of the methodology you will gain insight into a range of different sketchbook ideas you can use inside the pages of your sketchbook! A range of drawing guides are included in order to prompt your thinking and get you thinking! 

The 10 day S2S hub mini drawing challenge 

Grab some useful ideas from Emily's 20 minute 10 day travel drawing challenge for practice or for inspiration to translate into your own sketchbook pages! 

Create a personal and planned approach!

Wouldn't it be wonderful to sometimes be alone for long stretches of time when you travel? Many of us have children or partners or friends around us...How do we plan a day of drawing when time or attention may be limited? 

When You Join You Will; 

  Be invited to choose your own journey that you want to document! Whether past, present or future! Download your own personal guide at the start of the course to support you focus your learning.  
  Design your own sketchbook template so you know what you are doing using Emily's Travel Sketchbook Guide template. 
  See how Emily uses her own image pack to document her journeys in drawing formats. 
  Address your mindset challenges when it comes to drawing LIVE and in public.
 Dip into the drawing idea guides to provide you with a list of drawing ideas that keep your momentum going!
 Join Emily LIVE for 5 days of drawing from the 22nd - 26th July!

PLUS.....As Your Sign Up Bonuses! 

Write your awesome label here.

Learn to Draw "LIVE!" 4 part BONUS COURSE 
(Did you spot Gertrude the Guinea Fowl?)

I am SOOO excited to be introducing this brand new bonus that sees me heading out from behind the camera, zoom webinar and pdf printouts and show you my techniques for drawing LIVE!

Want to learn how to draw outside once and for all? Join me as I show you how I draw LIVE "in situ!" One of the components of learning to fill a travel journal focuses on learning to draw outside! 

In this 4 part self study addition to the travel journal course, watch how I navigate drawing outside. I will be stepping away from my laptop as I guide you with a range of unique tips and techniques to support you overcome the challenge of learning to draw in real time! You can work through this course independently to the travel journal and in your own time. 

This BONUS stand alone course contains; 

1. 4 unique step by step challenges that you can implement to get you drawing from real life -  from home to the outside as you build your confidence. 
2. Mindset and building your know how in order to draw in public. 
3. How to get proportion correct in your sketchbook as an addition to your methodology techniques! 
4. The key differences in drawing techniques when working outside. 
5. Using the skills learned to apply them to the travel sketchbook technique and build massive momentum from knowing exactly what you need to do!  
BONUS 2. Emily's Sketch Kit!

Grab yourself a complimentary sketch kit (postage not included) which includes; 

1. 14 by 14 cm squared 90 page 150 gms hot pressed paper sketchbook! (Perfect for out and about.)
2. A handmade vintage pencil case. 
3. Pencil, 0.2 micron pen and small rubber!

Emily uses these sketchbooks to build her drawing practice. Perfectly portable and with a hard backed cover you can take them everywhere. And with over 90 pages you can use a range of mediums on this hot pressed paper to build a small but exquisite collection of drawings!

BONUS 3. When You Join Emily LIVE!
 Exclusive Access to The PRIVATE Travel Sketchbook Facebook Group!

Accountability can turbo charge your learning! As part of the LIVE element of the course you can access the Facebook group and share your findings as well as your challenges. We can't wait to see you in there! Emily will be jumping in during the LIVE element of the course to comment and feedback to you! 

The Course in your words...... 

#is thorough and covers all bases #makes me want to get outside more #has quality features | #super creative | #informative and empowering

"I was part of the Beta Testing round for this course. I've purchased so many courses and never really seen them through! What fascinated me was how I was able to apply all the lessons to my own personal travels! I was kept accountable with my own sketchbook. I don't know how she does it but the teaching is so connected and considerate and met me where I was at. I was able to apply my learning to my travelling. SO grateful!"
"Without doubt the elephant in the room for me was drawing live! I love drawing but froze every time I tried to get outside with it. Thank you Emily for enabling me to apply these teaching techniques. I travel to see my children in different parts of the world so this is such a useful course to have under my belt. I never thought about my own personal process. This isn't just another course to stick on the shelf, this is a toolkit for drawing practice in general. Loved it!"
"Thank you Emily! I LOVED LOVED LOVED this. Not only did we have access to the teacher the range of materials built into this course means I can come back to it time and time again and learn something new everytime. The whole rinse and repeat model taught me that I constantly keep learning something new." 
Thank you Emily! 
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